Real-time media monitoring

We monitor social media and media websites, including over 150,000 newspages, blogs, forums and message boards worldwide. And where needed, we add any further media data on request, as long as it is in the public domain or accessible by your own accounts (such as your own Facebook page). On the basis of the combination of all available media data, we detect old and new events and provide immediate from-the-ground information, with global coverage. We specialize in floods and water, which includes mudflows, landslides, heavy rains, hurricanes, water quality and droughts. Other topics we monitor on request.
With information on:
- Floods and inundations with water depths
- Infrastructure status incl. embankment breaches, drainage problems, trash accumulations
- Damage and impact to people and assets
- Perceptions of measures
- Street level locations
- Times of event
- Maps, graphs and statistics
- Filters and Classifiers
- Information extraction using in-house AI
- Global geoparsing
- Human-in-the-loop
- Notification system
- Access to original content
- Real-time and history
- API access
Full-Detail Event Analysis
We provide event reports with highly detailed analysis of past flood events, including geolocations down to specific coordinates.
With information on:
- Flood locations and water depths
- Mentioned causes and performance of infrastructure
- Impacts on sectors such as road accessibility and logistics
- Perceptions on the event and on measures taken
- Which stakeholders are involved
- Point locations with Google Street View link
- Concise report of 20-30 pages
- Storylines, maps, graphs and statistics
- Information extraction with manual steps
- Single events and historic overviews
- Longlist of media data consulted
The report can be ordered for any flood worldwide, with monitoring of media in any language.


If you dont have enough data already in real-time, you can choose to collect additional information via crowd-sourcing. Many organizations already do so, via Telegram, WhatsApp or for instance Facebook messenger. We want to make this as easy for you as possible and allow crowd-sourcing via multiple platforms. For instance post the below options on your website or Facebook page, and find the results in the real-time FloodTags dashboard:

We offer a subscription price that depends on the average number of incoming tags for your monitored topic and area. For the full-detail event reports we charge an hourly rate. You can request a quotation by emailing us at info@floodtags.com.
In some circumstances, for local end-users with small financial capacity (such as some NGO's), we apply the PWYC principle: Pay What You Can. We offer this in exceptional cases, to achieve maximum impact. Reach out to us to inquire about the possibilities.